- 10T 5500x1
- 85T achri_data
- 13T achri_galaxy
- 64G admin
- 0 automountdir
- 9.4T cbousman
- 20T charb_data
- 129T common
- 66G common_power
- 7.9T ebg_data
- 4.7T ebg_gmb
- 0 ebg_mgw
- 25T ebg_projects
- 503G ebg_web
- 11T ebg_work
- 10G fs1
- 144T gallo
- 0 ha
- 269T home
- 676M home.anikolic
- 22T hyperion
- 8.0T hyperion_scratch
- 845M Install
- 180G perf
- 168T qlong
- 2.9G snyder_irida
- 26T snyder_work
- 0 sysadmin
- 633M Temp
- 3.0T test
- 75G theia
- 101G tmp
- 20G trans_write
- 32T vetmed_data
- 99G vetmed_stage
From Ivory Crane, 4 Years ago, written in Plain Text, viewed 318 times.
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