- install
- url --url http://linbuild.cs.ucalgary.ca/fedora/28/x86_64/os/
- lang en_US.UTF-8
- selinux --disabled
- keyboard us
- network --bootproto dhcp --hostname gfx01-4.cs.ucalgary.ca --device=14:b3:1f:07:ed:77
- rootpw --iscrypted $5$ot2nUDJR$VxOvOKMvLnqjX0NpPYy3Hast15pPGwBAg.jiFx6RXK6
- firewall --service=ssh
- authconfig --useshadow --passalgo=SHA256 --kickstart
- timezone --utc America/Edmonton
- # CPSC Extras
- repo --name=cpsc-fedora-extras --cost=5 --baseurl=http://linbuild.cs.ucalgary.ca/cpsc/cpsc-extras/fc28/x86_64/extras
- # Updates
- # repo --name=cpsc-fedora-updates --baseurl=http://mirror.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/mirror/fedora/linux/updates/28/Everything/x86_64
- repo --name=cpsc-fedora-updates --baseurl=http://linbuild.cs.ucalgary.ca/fedora/28/x86_64/updates/
- # bootloader --location=mbr --append="nofb quiet splash=quiet"
- bootloader --append="nofb quiet splash=quiet"
- %include /tmp/diskpart.cfg
- # Graphical or text installer, defaults to graphical unless specified
- graphical
- # Graphical system
- xconfig --startxonboot
- reboot
- %packages
- yum
- dhclient
- ntp
- wget
- @Core
- redhat-lsb-core
- salt-minion
- # From package_groups0
- @cpsc-fedora-workstation-base
- # From package_groups0
- @cpsc-base
- %end
- %pre
- #Dynamic
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