- log:
- level: INFO
- filepath: "/var/log/traefik/traefik.log"
- accessLog:
- filepath: "/var/log/traefik/access.log"
- fields:
- defaultMode: keep
- headers:
- defaultMode: keep
- api:
- dashboard: true
- insecure: false
- debug: true
- entryPoints:
- http:
- address: ":80"
- https:
- address: ":443"
- providers:
- docker:
- exposedByDefault: false
- endpoint: "tcp://socket-proxy:2375"
- network: "traefik"
- defaultRule: "Host(`{{ trimPrefix `/` .Name }}.example.com`)"
- file:
- filename: "/config/dynamic_config.yml"
- watch: true
- certificatesResolvers:
- letsencrypt:
- acme:
- email: ucalgary-acme@steamr.com
- storage: "/config/acme.json"
- httpChallenge:
- entryPoint: http
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