esptool read flash

From Mustard Gibbon, 3 Years ago, written in Plain Text, viewed 363 times.
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  1. gosund % python -m esptool --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --chip auto read_flash  0 0x100000 firmware2.bin                                                                                                                                   leo@dell:/home/leo/gosund | Code 2 | 20:26:03
  2. v3.0
  3. Serial port /dev/ttyUSB0
  4. Connecting........_____....._
  5. Detecting chip type... ESP8266
  6. Chip is ESP8285
  7. Features: WiFi, Embedded Flash
  8. Crystal is 26MHz
  9. MAC: c4:dd:57:0d:2c:de
  10. Uploading stub...
  11. Running stub...
  12. Stub running...
  13. 1048576 (100 %)
  14. 1048576 (100 %)
  16. A fatal error occurred: Digest mismatch: expected 9B60686A442B0A68591CFB54D28B867B, got 458345CAB9C61F97AAB45943ED64C234

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