
From Chartreuse Wigeon, 2 Years ago, written in Plain Text, viewed 229 times. This paste will give up the ghost in 1 Second.
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  1. root@leo-ubuntu1:~# traceroute
  2. traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
  3.  1  r-60-VM.cs8cloud.internal (  1.024 ms  0.984 ms  0.960 ms
  4.  2 (  2.490 ms  2.141 ms  2.130 ms
  5.  3 (  2.311 ms  2.299 ms  2.288 ms
  6.  4  * * *
  7.  5 (  1.488 ms  1.476 ms  1.465 ms
  8.  6  * * *
  9.  7  * * *
  10.  8  * * *
  11.  9  * * *
  12. 10  * * *

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