Re: rpmrepo sync bash script

From Ample Cheetah, 7 Years ago, written in Bash, viewed 460 times. This paste is a reply to rpmrepo sync bash script from Putrid Leopard - go back
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Viewing differences between rpmrepo sync bash script and Re: rpmrepo sync bash script

function PrimaryXml {
        wget -q -O - $1/repodata/repomd.xml \
                | grep primary.xml \
                | sed -n -e 's/.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/p'

function GetPackages {
        Include=`echo $2 | tr ' ' '|'`
        Exclude=`echo $3 | tr ' ' '|'`

wget -q -O - $1`PrimaryXml $1` $BaseUrl`PrimaryXml $BaseUrl` \
                | zcat \
                | grep rpm \\n                | grep location \\n                | sed -n -e 's/.*<location href=\"\(.*\)\".*href="\([^"]*\)\".*/\1/p' \
                | grep -v src.rpm
-E "rpm$" \
                | ( [ -z "$Include" ] && cat || grep -E "($Include)" ) \
                | ( [ -z "$Exclude" ] && cat || grep -vE "($Exclude)" ) \

function DownloadPackages {


        while (($#)); do
                if [[ "$1" == "-v" ]] ; then
                        if [ $Mode -eq 1 ] ; then
                                Exclude="$Exclude $1"
                                Include="$Include $1"


GetPackages $1 $BaseUrl "$Include" "$Exclude" | while read i ; do
                if [ ! -f $i ] ; then
                        test -d `dirname $i` || mkdir -p `dirname $i`

                        echo "Downloading $1$i...$BaseUrl$i..."
                        wget -q -O $i $1$i

        echo "Download complete."


DownloadPackages $Url google-chrome-stable

Replies to Re: rpmrepo sync bash script rss

Title Name Language When
Re: Re: rpmrepo sync bash script Bistre Iguana bash 7 Years ago.

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