- # Format:
- # <classname>: false - don't include this class
- # <classname>: true - include and use the defaults
- # <classname>:
- # <param>: <value> - include and override the default(s)
- #
- # See params.pp in each class for what options are available
- ---
- foreman: false
- foreman::cli: false
- foreman::cli::openscap: false
- foreman_proxy:
- repo: stable
- gpgcheck: true
- custom_repo: true
- version: present
- ensure_packages_version: present
- plugin_version: installed
- bind_host:
- - '*'
- http_port: 8000
- ssl_port: 8443
- dir: /usr/share/foreman-proxy
- user: foreman-proxy
- groups: []
- log: /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log
- log_level: INFO
- log_buffer: 2000
- log_buffer_errors: 1000
- http: true
- ssl: false
- ssl_ca: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
- ssl_cert: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/foreman-proxy.lab.cs.ucalgary.ca.pem
- ssl_key: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys/foreman-proxy.lab.cs.ucalgary.ca.pem
- foreman_ssl_ca: /etc/foreman-proxy/proxy_ca.pem
- foreman_ssl_cert: /etc/foreman-proxy/client_cert.pem
- foreman_ssl_key: /etc/foreman-proxy/client_key.pem
- trusted_hosts:
- - foreman.lab.cs.ucalgary.ca
- ssl_disabled_ciphers: []
- tls_disabled_versions: []
- manage_sudoersd: true
- use_sudoersd: true
- use_sudoers: true
- puppetca: false
- puppetca_listen_on: http
- ssldir: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl
- puppetdir: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet
- puppetca_cmd: /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet cert
- puppet_group: puppet
- autosignfile: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/autosign.conf
- manage_puppet_group: true
- puppet: false
- puppet_listen_on: http
- puppetrun_cmd: /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet kick
- puppetrun_provider:
- customrun_cmd: /bin/false
- customrun_args: -ay -f -s
- mcollective_user: root
- puppetssh_sudo: false
- puppetssh_command: /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet agent --onetime --no-usecacheonfailure
- puppetssh_user: root
- puppetssh_keyfile: /etc/foreman-proxy/id_rsa
- puppetssh_wait: false
- salt_puppetrun_cmd: puppet.run
- puppet_user: root
- puppet_url: https://foreman-proxy.lab.cs.ucalgary.ca:8140
- puppet_ssl_ca: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
- puppet_ssl_cert: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/foreman-proxy.lab.cs.ucalgary.ca.pem
- puppet_ssl_key: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys/foreman-proxy.lab.cs.ucalgary.ca.pem
- puppet_use_environment_api:
- puppet_api_timeout: 30
- templates: false
- templates_listen_on: both
- template_url: http://foreman-proxy.lab.cs.ucalgary.ca:8000
- logs: true
- logs_listen_on: http
- tftp: true
- tftp_listen_on: http
- tftp_managed: true
- tftp_manage_wget: true
- tftp_syslinux_filenames:
- - /usr/share/syslinux/chain.c32
- - /usr/share/syslinux/mboot.c32
- - /usr/share/syslinux/menu.c32
- - /usr/share/syslinux/memdisk
- - /usr/share/syslinux/pxelinux.0
- tftp_root: /var/lib/tftpboot
- tftp_dirs:
- - /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg
- - /var/lib/tftpboot/grub
- - /var/lib/tftpboot/grub2
- - /var/lib/tftpboot/boot
- - /var/lib/tftpboot/ztp.cfg
- - /var/lib/tftpboot/poap.cfg
- tftp_servername:
- tftp_replace_grub2_cfg: false
- dhcp: true
- dhcp_listen_on: http
- dhcp_managed: true
- dhcp_provider: isc
- dhcp_subnets: []
- dhcp_option_domain:
- - lab.cs.ucalgary.ca
- dhcp_search_domains:
- dhcp_interface: ens192
- dhcp_additional_interfaces: []
- dhcp_gateway:
- dhcp_range:
- dhcp_pxeserver:
- dhcp_pxefilename: pxelinux.0
- dhcp_network:
- dhcp_netmask:
- dhcp_nameservers: default
- dhcp_server:
- dhcp_config: /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
- dhcp_leases: /var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases
- dhcp_key_name:
- dhcp_key_secret:
- dhcp_omapi_port: 7911
- dhcp_peer_address:
- dhcp_node_type: standalone
- dhcp_failover_address:
- dhcp_failover_port: 519
- dhcp_max_response_delay: 30
- dhcp_max_unacked_updates: 10
- dhcp_mclt: 300
- dhcp_load_split: 255
- dhcp_load_balance: 3
- dhcp_manage_acls: true
- dns: true
- dns_listen_on: http
- dns_managed: true
- dns_provider: nsupdate_gss
- dns_interface: ens192
- dns_zone: lab.cs.ucalgary.ca
- dns_reverse:
- dns_server:
- dns_ttl: 86400
- dns_tsig_keytab: /etc/foreman-proxy/dns.keytab
- dns_tsig_principal: foremanproxy/foreman-proxy.lab.cs.ucalgary.ca@LAB.CS.UCALGARY.CA
- dns_forwarders: []
- libvirt_network: default
- libvirt_connection: qemu:///system
- bmc: false
- bmc_listen_on: https
- bmc_default_provider: ipmitool
- realm: false
- realm_listen_on: http
- realm_provider: freeipa
- realm_keytab: /etc/foreman-proxy/freeipa.keytab
- realm_principal: realm-proxy@EXAMPLE.COM
- freeipa_config: /etc/ipa/default.conf
- freeipa_remove_dns: true
- keyfile: /etc/rndc.key
- register_in_foreman: true
- foreman_base_url: https://foreman.lab.cs.ucalgary.ca
- registered_name: foreman-proxy.lab.cs.ucalgary.ca
- registered_proxy_url:
- oauth_effective_user: admin
- oauth_consumer_key: W7WJoTY73iz3PUA5j3fg59xByf2qo4Vs
- oauth_consumer_secret: bqbeieorxVxuhGoJFRo9ghFQ7UQi2nuy
- puppet_use_cache:
- puppet: false
- foreman::plugin::ansible: false
- foreman::plugin::azure: false
- foreman::plugin::bootdisk: false
- foreman::plugin::chef: false
- foreman::plugin::cockpit: false
- foreman::plugin::default_hostgroup: false
- foreman::plugin::dhcp_browser: false
- foreman::plugin::digitalocean: false
- foreman::plugin::discovery: false
- foreman::plugin::docker: false
- foreman::plugin::expire_hosts: false
- foreman::plugin::hooks: false
- foreman::plugin::host_extra_validator: false
- foreman::plugin::memcache: false
- foreman::plugin::monitoring: false
- foreman::plugin::omaha: false
- foreman::plugin::openscap: false
- foreman::plugin::ovirt_provision: false
- foreman::plugin::puppetdb: false
- foreman::plugin::remote_execution: false
- foreman::plugin::salt: false
- foreman::plugin::setup: false
- foreman::plugin::tasks: false
- foreman::plugin::templates: false
- foreman::compute::ec2: false
- foreman::compute::gce: false
- foreman::compute::libvirt: false
- foreman::compute::openstack: false
- foreman::compute::ovirt: false
- foreman::compute::rackspace: false
- foreman::compute::vmware: false
- foreman_proxy::plugin::abrt: false
- foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible: false
- foreman_proxy::plugin::chef: false
- foreman_proxy::plugin::dhcp::infoblox: false
- foreman_proxy::plugin::dhcp::remote_isc: false
- foreman_proxy::plugin::discovery:
- install_images: true
- tftp_root: /var/lib/tftpboot
- source_url: http://pages.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~leo/support/foreman/
- image_name: fdi-image-latest.tar
- foreman_proxy::plugin::dns::infoblox: false
- foreman_proxy::plugin::dns::powerdns: false
- foreman_proxy::plugin::dynflow: false
- foreman_proxy::plugin::monitoring: false
- foreman_proxy::plugin::omaha: false
- foreman_proxy::plugin::openscap: false
- foreman_proxy::plugin::pulp: false
- foreman_proxy::plugin::remote_execution::ssh: false
- foreman_proxy::plugin::salt: false
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