Re: Untitled

From Insensitive Hedgehog, 3 Years ago, written in Plain Text, viewed 461 times. This paste will give up the ghost in 1 Second. This paste is a reply to Untitled from Speedy Hamster - go back
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# Add the group to the netapp
- name: Add group to netapp
msg: "vserver services name-service unix-group create -vserver ITSOBulkData01 -name {{ item }} -id {{ account_groups | selectattr('group', 'equalto', item) | map(attribute='gid') | join(',') }} "
"{{ netapp_groups }}"
when: account_groups | selectattr("group", "equalto", item)
    label: "{{ item.username }}"
item) | join(',')                                                                                                                                          

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