PaaS enables developers to easily create applications without having to worry about setting up the underlying platform components. So if a developer wants a database, they just check a box, or make an API call, or use whatever mechanism that the PaaS provides to get one. They don’t have to install the database, they can just use it. OpenShift, Cloud Foundry, and Heroku are examples of a PaaS. spinnaker@halyard:/workdir$ kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION 7b41da72-f250-4e49-9e11-f73bce94d29c Ready 8d v1.13.5 972210f9-cfbf-4cdc-b3a7-8231ec701685 Ready 8d v1.13.5 e6ccad96-fe41-446a-a847-251cced395c5 Ready 8d v1.13.5 spinnaker@halyard:/workdir$ ls spinnaker@halyard:/workdir$ hal deploy apply + Get current deployment Success + Prep deployment Success + Preparation complete... deploying Spinnaker + Get current deployment Success + Apply deployment Success + Run `hal deploy connect` to connect to Spinnaker. /home/spinnaker/.hal/default/ must be executed with root permissions; exiting ! ERROR Error encountered running script. See above output for more details. spinnaker@halyard:/workdir$ hal config provider kubernetes enable + Get current deployment Success + Edit the kubernetes provider Success Problems in default.provider.kubernetes: - WARNING Provider kubernetes is enabled, but no accounts have been configured. + Successfully enabled kubernetes spinnaker@halyard:/workdir$ CONTEXT=$(kubectl config current-context) spinnaker@halyard:/workdir$ spinnaker@halyard:/workdir$ hal config provider kubernetes account add my-k8s-v2-account --provider-version v2 --context $CONTEXT + Get current deployment Success + Add the my-k8s-v2-account account Success + Successfully added account my-k8s-v2-account for provider kubernetes. spinnaker@halyard:/workdir$ hal config features edit --artifacts true + Get current deployment Success + Get features Success + Edit features Success + Successfully updated features. spinnaker@halyard:/workdir$ hal config deploy edit --type distributed --account-name my-k8s-v2-account + Get current deployment Success + Get the deployment environment Success + Edit the deployment environment Success + Successfully updated your deployment environment. spinnaker@halyard:/workdir$ echo minio123 | hal config storage s3 edit --endpoint minio-service --access-key-id minio --secret-access-key + Get current deployment Success + Get persistent store Success - No changes supplied. spinnaker@halyard:/workdir$ hal config storage edit --type s3 + Get current deployment Success + Get persistent storage settings Success - No changes supplied. spinnaker@halyard:/workdir$ hal deploy apply + Get current deployment Success + Prep deployment Success Problems in - WARNING Your UI or API domain does not have override base URLs set even though your Spinnaker deployment is a Distributed deployment on a remote cloud provider. As a result, you will need to open SSH tunnels against that deployment to access Spinnaker. ? We recommend that you instead configure an authentication mechanism (OAuth2, SAML2, or x509) to make it easier to access Spinnaker securely, and then register the intended Domain and IP addresses that your publicly facing services will be using. + Preparation complete... deploying Spinnaker + Get current deployment Success - Apply deployment Generating all Spinnaker profile files and endpoints: Waiting on deployments to complete - Deploy spin-redis - Deploy spin-clouddriver - Deploy spin-front50 - Deploy spin-orca - Deploy spin-deck - Deploy spin-echo - Deploy spin-gate - Deploy spin-rosco